Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Please, don't bring back Sam Raimie!!!!!

He slowly destroyed the movies each and everyone he did. The first one was done well, with out a doubt a good comic book movie.

Spider-man 2 was more cheezy then a Belgin Cheese Fest. Doc. Occ talking to his macanical hands... what the *beep* was that. Then a hole train full of people knowing his identity, the one thing that is more importent to Spider-man then anything else. But the worst of the worst, Doc Occ throwing a car threw a cafe window at Peter Parker. At first I was thinking... oh he must know the Paker is Spider-man, cause why else would he throw a car at normal person. But no he goes in and says "Parker, I need you to find Spider-man for me, or the girl gets it"... that just makes no sence. Your not sappose to kill the people you need to help you, so why the car Sam, why the car?

Then comes the movie with my favorit villin of all time, VENOM. I say to my self... *beep* up the hole movie for all I care Raimei, just don't *beep* up VENOM". Well I guess Raimie never got the message, cause he did the worst thing to VENOM, he made him CARNAGE. Case and point, Venom considerd himself to be 2 people Eddie Brock, and the Symbiot aka WE ARE VENOM. Insted he says things like I want him dead you want him dead in one sceen... which would have been cool if he said it to relate but then there was another quote that scared me really bad... which I will get too. The thing with Brock was that he wanted revenge but he didn't want to be bad, he didn't like the consept of killing... he had remorse something that this Venom did not have, and the worse was when Spiderman was trying to reason with Brock, to get rid of the symbiot... the Brock says "No "I" like being bad"... which Brock doesn't... but Carnage on the other hand does, mainly before he was Carnage he was already a killer.

Don't even get me starterd on the rest... the multipul plots that go no where. The pointless Character of Sandman, the movie never needed any more antagenists. The handycap looking smile that Harry gave after hitting his head. Peter Parker putting on the symbiot suit and becoming a 70's icon - Jazz musition. Ghen Stacey (the girl who should have been in part one, and should have been killed by the green goblin to make parker messed up about not letting anyone know about his identity) had no point of being in the movie at all... he could have just dance with some other random chick at that club... it really made no diffrence. But never forget the cheezy american flags he seemed to run by threw that whole movie. Just please we as fans need a credable person behind the screen, please, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!