Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A new rant I have is Ms. Simpson . . . no, no, no, not Jessica Simpson, Ashley Simpson. The jealous sibling of the two, the one who complained that "Jessica gets all the attention, Jessica get's all the boys, Jessica can actually sing, etc.". The sister that sees her sister with a music career sees her sister with a T.V. career and says "Me TOO". Well you would think the same talent would run in the family, well I think we all have been proven wrong. There has been evidence that the woman can't sing, not at all, a.k.a. SNL. Just to be clear the L stands for live, AND SHE DIDN'T SING, live because it wasn't her singing, it was a computer. Then she goes and pulls the old acid reflex move, quick thinking Ms. Simpson, may I say for the next time bring some Tums, or Rolaids. Then she get's a reality show, one that makes her sister look like Albert Einstein. Sure it's funny when Jessica plays a fool but when you have an entire show around an entire idiot, it kind of loses its effect. I'm sure it make's Jessica feel good to be the smart one of the family . . . which doesn’t say much.

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