Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Long, Long Time Ago.

It has been years... no, no. It's been decades... no it's been years since I've used my blog one of the many on and off relationships in my life. Who am I kidding, it's the only on and off relationship in my life.

It has been awhile since I wrote in this, I mean I was still working at the theater... hell I was still working. Yet it comes back to me like an old friend, or a long lost child.(Its only a matter of time) I can just start typing about nothing and that nothing will become something... yet still nothing... huh... how can I explain it... my writing is like a..... Seinfeld episode. Not the characters of Seinfeld... I don't need to yell racial slurs when my backs up against the wall, my head always remains cool. Yet I look back at some of the things I was saying in my old blogs... like my Santa one, and it got me thinking that I have or had one warped mind. Not to say that's a bad thing, considering that most of the worlds greatest works came from eccentrics. Van Gogh for instance was crazy by standard definition, but he created some of Earths most memorable works of art, and he revolutionized post impressionism art... yet he was a most likely bi-poler, and probably the Godfather of Emo. Yet I'm not saying I'm him, or an Edgar Allen Poe... who in fact was whacked out of his gorge. I'm just trying to make a point that being "Out There" is probably one of the best things you can be while you wright. Though I may not share there
chaotic life style, but I share that "what the hell" spirit they had.

So I'm back, and I plan to be here for awhile longer this time, cause throughout my entire life, righting has been my refuge. Yet its been along time since I last took it. Hopefully each weird, and strange period of my life will start be recorded, as well as just odd thoughts that come to my head from time to time. Hope to be doing this again really soon.

It's Good To Be Back


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