Monday, April 11, 2005

Thanks to friends!

As a lot of people know I work at Silver City Yorkdale as a supervisor/projectionist, and I am very involved with what goes down around there. So there was this meeting, where we discussed all kinds of thing to build for a marketing stunt. We threw out Star Wars because it was to obvious, we got rid of Sin City because the dead line was approaching far to fast . . . so what to choose, what to choose. "Well what about Amenity Vill Horror I said . . . and we can build the house, and it would look awesome"! Kavi (A friend from work) then says "Well I can build it, me and Greg can get the job done". Little did I know I was going to be the only one working on it, Kavi came one day. After the night people throwing out all my pieces of my house, I got really discouraged, I would come in do what I can, but it was hard because I was only one man.I need some dire help for this one, little did I know the Calvary was on it's way.

It all started with Josh calling me one night and saying "Want to come down to the blood bank with me, then to get some American Hi/Fi tickets", they were opening for Bowling for Soup . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is that not the saddest thing you ever herd. So I tell Josh that I'm working on the house and any help would be great, so he offers to help. We are working on it trying to glue one end to another, and just trying to get it to look good. Then came down to the drawing end of it, and then instantly Josh says "Get Jose over hear, he is good with drawing" so Jose was now in on it. So we are done and we put it all away, well be back tomorrow. At this point everyone was feeling high and mighty, thinking that this was a great project. So the next morning Jose calls me to tell me about plans for the house, and he is really in love with the damn ideas, and he woke me out of a sound sleep to tell me them . . . damn Jose. We then make our way there the next day to find missing parts. The night peole stole the exacto-knifes and the glue gun, and our supplys are dropping fast. We had to regroup that day, we then went all out for the rest. Everyone was really getting into the house, but more so hating the house in the process. Then out of no where, Brandon aka tattoo shows up, to lend a hand, the only thing we were missing was Patrick, the fallen angle of the group, blinded by the dark side and out for revenge. But any way back to topic, we did bicker over the house a little a lot, many time Josh was quoted say "THIS HOUSE IS TARRING US APART"!

We Just finished yesterday April 10 2005 and thank GOD. But I'm really just wrighting this to thank my friends, you guys were there when no one else was. It was a work project that friends built, so if we do win the money I will withdrawal my share of the money and you guys could have it. Only because I realized the true meaning of the word friend was you guys, you came in when a friend needed help which is really hard to find. So fuck money you guys are the truest of the true!

Thanks you Guys!


Nina said...

shut up josh! i thought that was sweet he was thanking you and all you do is spit him in the face...even after he said he'd share the prize money with you...shame on you!

i think that whole macho male persona is getting old. We all know that deep down inside you're all soft little cry babies...the jig is up, so stop acting like your not.

and your one to talk cant fool me with that whole "allergies" bit...
and what about your man crush on afleck...yeah that aint too mainly either...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, greg has feelings; it thinks its people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg,

Hope you still use this thing, looks like you hav'nt updated in a while. Just wanted to see whats been up in your life, hope you win that contest and im glad to see things are working out for you at Silver City. E-mail me back if you get the chance, we need to catch up. Oh, we gotta see Episode 3, the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight is supposed to be awsome! Take it easy man.

enigma:: said...

LOL! You guys are too much!