Thursday, February 03, 2011

Take that Sam Raimie

First off, I told you so.

Second off, stop asking why I said "told you so" and let me explain why.

Sam Raimie's Spiderman has been seen the same way as me by Sony (or they just want more money) and has decided to reboot the whole kit and caboodle. Your welcome world. The world that never reads this blog, the world that saw my blog posted on IMDB and told me that i was full of shit and that Sam Raimie's Spider Man was beautiful wondrous work. The same world who after Spider Man 3, said "it’s not that bad, frankly I'm glad they didn't beat me with a baseball bat before robbing me". Okay maybe the ladder part of what the world said is interpreted, but you know it’s true. So now we got a reboot that might make me lose this "hate-on" (hate-on is a coined word the takes the word hate and fuses it with a great word like hard on) that I got for the Spider Man franchise right now.

Doing things right
First things first Guen Stacey, the person that Peter wants to marry and have Spiderlings with, and the first time after Uncle Ben's death he finally feels happy again. Almost as if that would incredibly help a plot of a story if somehow that person died. Almost in the same way it helped a early comic called The Amazing Spider Man develop its character Peter Parker which helped it become as popular as it is today. No, that concept could never work for a movie based on a comic called Spider Man, it’s just way to out there. Just in case you missed all that time I wasted with sarcasm, I was in fact being sarcastic. Watching the Spider Man movies, it does not shock me to see this direction that Sony has now desided to follow, the loss of loved one could stir up a lot of dark feelings for a person, especially a hero; a man who spends his free time protecting his community, defeating criminals, and rescuing strangers, it becomes easy to see how hard it would be if the community turns on him, the criminal is someone close to him (Norman Osborn), and the person he fails to rescue is his fiancĂ©. Wow almost writes itself at that point, maybe that’s why Guen Stacey has been announced as a character, and they are going for "a dark theme".

What they did wrong
Despite all of these elements of Spiderman already being produced in comics, why would a company not use these resources, even if they were making a kids movie "The Lion King" was a movie with death in it, not only did it have death in it but it had a song about how death is a part of life, all of this made by Disney. Not to mention Disney has also made two of the most depressingly enjoyable movies in recent years in "Wall-E" and "Up". Wall-E is a loner robot, living in a ruined earth, with only media as company who almost loses the only thing he has ever known or loved, but only at the end finds happiness after almost losing it all. Up is a story of two people who fall madly in love with one another from a young age, they find out shortly after marriage that she cannot have kids, so they decide to go on a childhood adventure, however, their dreams get continuously shattered by life's little ups and downs, and just as he is able to afford it his wife dies of old age; that is some heartfelt and cripplingly sad stuff, and it is only the first 10 minutes of the film. So what does all this mean for Spider Man, well I guess all this means is that Disney has bigger balls then the original Sony Spider Man movies, let’s hope they grow a pair this time around

So it is obviously clear that Sony is the only people that read this thing, so Sony. DON'T FUCK IT UP THIS TIME.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Please, don't bring back Sam Raimie!!!!!

He slowly destroyed the movies each and everyone he did. The first one was done well, with out a doubt a good comic book movie.

Spider-man 2 was more cheezy then a Belgin Cheese Fest. Doc. Occ talking to his macanical hands... what the *beep* was that. Then a hole train full of people knowing his identity, the one thing that is more importent to Spider-man then anything else. But the worst of the worst, Doc Occ throwing a car threw a cafe window at Peter Parker. At first I was thinking... oh he must know the Paker is Spider-man, cause why else would he throw a car at normal person. But no he goes in and says "Parker, I need you to find Spider-man for me, or the girl gets it"... that just makes no sence. Your not sappose to kill the people you need to help you, so why the car Sam, why the car?

Then comes the movie with my favorit villin of all time, VENOM. I say to my self... *beep* up the hole movie for all I care Raimei, just don't *beep* up VENOM". Well I guess Raimie never got the message, cause he did the worst thing to VENOM, he made him CARNAGE. Case and point, Venom considerd himself to be 2 people Eddie Brock, and the Symbiot aka WE ARE VENOM. Insted he says things like I want him dead you want him dead in one sceen... which would have been cool if he said it to relate but then there was another quote that scared me really bad... which I will get too. The thing with Brock was that he wanted revenge but he didn't want to be bad, he didn't like the consept of killing... he had remorse something that this Venom did not have, and the worse was when Spiderman was trying to reason with Brock, to get rid of the symbiot... the Brock says "No "I" like being bad"... which Brock doesn't... but Carnage on the other hand does, mainly before he was Carnage he was already a killer.

Don't even get me starterd on the rest... the multipul plots that go no where. The pointless Character of Sandman, the movie never needed any more antagenists. The handycap looking smile that Harry gave after hitting his head. Peter Parker putting on the symbiot suit and becoming a 70's icon - Jazz musition. Ghen Stacey (the girl who should have been in part one, and should have been killed by the green goblin to make parker messed up about not letting anyone know about his identity) had no point of being in the movie at all... he could have just dance with some other random chick at that club... it really made no diffrence. But never forget the cheezy american flags he seemed to run by threw that whole movie. Just please we as fans need a credable person behind the screen, please, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

A Walk To Remember

Exhaustion does weird things to people, almost gives you a buzz that some drugs can't compete with, and changes a persons actions... nothing could have been closer to the truth early Sunday morning. Well in order to get a grasp of why Sunday was memorable I got to explain, the night that followed.

My buddy Jose and I went to my buddy's Patrick & Jess's house, to do the normal nerdy "Video Game - VS's night". Little did we know we would wind up talking with one another in till the buses stop running (damn why do I have to be so sociable). At that point the choice was clear, stay awake in till it runs again. So at that point we start the nerd fest in which constitutes as fun for me. We do this pretty much in till the sun rises, in which we begin to make are trek home early Sunday morning. We make the casual ten minute walk to the nearest running bus stop from the house at 8:00am, mean while Patrick goes to join Jess in slumber. So once Jose arrive at the bus stop, I decide that I want to buy something to drink, so we need to go to find the nearest store. Upon arrival to this store, I go to reach for the change in my pocket (aka my bus fair) to realize that there is no change in my pocket... shit!

At this point I start searching places that I would have a better chance of finding weapons of mass destruction. At this point I look over to my good, best, greatest buddy Jose for change... he doesn't have it... or his debit card. One option left, go back and get my change from Patrick and Jess, but after keeping them awake for a hole night, we were really reluctant to wake them. Yet at this point it almost felt like there was no other choice, so we begin our 10 min walk back. Along the way we make phone calls to Patrick's cell phone, no dice. We then approach the house in fear of Jess's wrath if we buzz up... (she is going to feed us to there small dog we fear) thank God the front door was open. We then make our way to the apartment door, just hoping, preying they left the door open... no dice. So we try Patrick's cell a few more times... no dice. At this point I attempt to get the hipper active dog awake, in hope of waking people up... once again, no dice! At this point we say "F@#K BEING POLITE" and we start knocking, and calling there house phone... lets just say that we had less dice then then a Gambling Addicts convention. At this point I make a suggestion, "lets walk back... there was really no other choice. So with a disgusted look on Jose's face he says "I Hate You", which I know what that meant... it meant yes... I think.

We begin the walk to Jose's house threw the rugged terrain of St. Clair West, and as we took pictures of trees that looked like they were out of a Tim Burton movie, and signs that were Ironic (Not Alanis Morset irony, the real kind). As we get 1/4th of the way there and my camera runs out of batteries, (right when we were taking a a picture of Jose under a sign that said "Latino Fiesta") shit now we got nothing to do, and I'm getting thirsty. Along the way we come up to a McDonald's, so I decided to make an attempt for free water, and maybe a free smile. So I stand in line for about 10 minutes with a ton of disgruntled, elderly, Italians in front of me. (I know what your thinking... you could of just said Italians) After about 5 arguments with the McDonald's employees, it was my turn to order... first off, there was no smile, and then I make my order "Could I get a cup of water"? She gave me a very dirty look and muttered to the girl behind her "Cup of Water... Next". I then get my water in a little McFlurry cup... ya like that's going to quench my thirst, so we continue on are trip passing such places as Gino's, and Gina's (They made our uniforms during high school... really bad, and ugly uniforms). Then I felt an old feeling hitting me... no it wasn't the felling that the time was right... it was the feeling that I better find a washroom soon or people will get a free peak at my junk. I look around me and I see the park I wanted to film my Mentose commercial in (ask me about it some time), and I knew there was a Coffee Time near by.

I enter the Coffee Time, and gage the stares I'm getting threw out the room and then made a mad rush for the washroom. I went in (and Jose followed to my protest) and it was the worst kept washroom I'd ever seen, but I didn't care. Once I was done I realized the predicament I was in, I couldn't flush with out having to touch something. I then got some toilet paper to make a glove so I could lean against the wall, and use my foot to flush.... now that's drama. We now left Coffee Time to take a short cut... there was nothing but mud for the next 100 feet... I was like "hell no am I dragging my brand new "Kicks" threw the mud".... but I did (sob). That took us to the home stretch, nothing but open ground till we got home. We sang Simpson's songs to pass the time, (and to cover up the fear of the increasing amount of cats beginning to surround us) and we see it... the home stretch, we made it.

We sat down and watched the Pussy Cat Dolls reality TV show, I protested the idea.. but his counter argument was pretty convincing "there hot dude". After the shimmering, and thrusting ceased on the screen stopped, so did my consciousness. Finally rest, finally it was over... in till my dad woke me up to go do some rends. But I'll always remember that day... a walk... to remember.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Long, Long Time Ago.

It has been years... no, no. It's been decades... no it's been years since I've used my blog one of the many on and off relationships in my life. Who am I kidding, it's the only on and off relationship in my life.

It has been awhile since I wrote in this, I mean I was still working at the theater... hell I was still working. Yet it comes back to me like an old friend, or a long lost child.(Its only a matter of time) I can just start typing about nothing and that nothing will become something... yet still nothing... huh... how can I explain it... my writing is like a..... Seinfeld episode. Not the characters of Seinfeld... I don't need to yell racial slurs when my backs up against the wall, my head always remains cool. Yet I look back at some of the things I was saying in my old blogs... like my Santa one, and it got me thinking that I have or had one warped mind. Not to say that's a bad thing, considering that most of the worlds greatest works came from eccentrics. Van Gogh for instance was crazy by standard definition, but he created some of Earths most memorable works of art, and he revolutionized post impressionism art... yet he was a most likely bi-poler, and probably the Godfather of Emo. Yet I'm not saying I'm him, or an Edgar Allen Poe... who in fact was whacked out of his gorge. I'm just trying to make a point that being "Out There" is probably one of the best things you can be while you wright. Though I may not share there
chaotic life style, but I share that "what the hell" spirit they had.

So I'm back, and I plan to be here for awhile longer this time, cause throughout my entire life, righting has been my refuge. Yet its been along time since I last took it. Hopefully each weird, and strange period of my life will start be recorded, as well as just odd thoughts that come to my head from time to time. Hope to be doing this again really soon.

It's Good To Be Back


Monday, April 11, 2005

Thanks to friends!

As a lot of people know I work at Silver City Yorkdale as a supervisor/projectionist, and I am very involved with what goes down around there. So there was this meeting, where we discussed all kinds of thing to build for a marketing stunt. We threw out Star Wars because it was to obvious, we got rid of Sin City because the dead line was approaching far to fast . . . so what to choose, what to choose. "Well what about Amenity Vill Horror I said . . . and we can build the house, and it would look awesome"! Kavi (A friend from work) then says "Well I can build it, me and Greg can get the job done". Little did I know I was going to be the only one working on it, Kavi came one day. After the night people throwing out all my pieces of my house, I got really discouraged, I would come in do what I can, but it was hard because I was only one man.I need some dire help for this one, little did I know the Calvary was on it's way.

It all started with Josh calling me one night and saying "Want to come down to the blood bank with me, then to get some American Hi/Fi tickets", they were opening for Bowling for Soup . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is that not the saddest thing you ever herd. So I tell Josh that I'm working on the house and any help would be great, so he offers to help. We are working on it trying to glue one end to another, and just trying to get it to look good. Then came down to the drawing end of it, and then instantly Josh says "Get Jose over hear, he is good with drawing" so Jose was now in on it. So we are done and we put it all away, well be back tomorrow. At this point everyone was feeling high and mighty, thinking that this was a great project. So the next morning Jose calls me to tell me about plans for the house, and he is really in love with the damn ideas, and he woke me out of a sound sleep to tell me them . . . damn Jose. We then make our way there the next day to find missing parts. The night peole stole the exacto-knifes and the glue gun, and our supplys are dropping fast. We had to regroup that day, we then went all out for the rest. Everyone was really getting into the house, but more so hating the house in the process. Then out of no where, Brandon aka tattoo shows up, to lend a hand, the only thing we were missing was Patrick, the fallen angle of the group, blinded by the dark side and out for revenge. But any way back to topic, we did bicker over the house a little a lot, many time Josh was quoted say "THIS HOUSE IS TARRING US APART"!

We Just finished yesterday April 10 2005 and thank GOD. But I'm really just wrighting this to thank my friends, you guys were there when no one else was. It was a work project that friends built, so if we do win the money I will withdrawal my share of the money and you guys could have it. Only because I realized the true meaning of the word friend was you guys, you came in when a friend needed help which is really hard to find. So fuck money you guys are the truest of the true!

Thanks you Guys!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I'm BBLLAAAACCCKKK . . . I Mean I'm Back . . . Haha . . . Sorry?

Yes, that's right people I'm back in business. Not the kind of business that I spent 10 years with my face against the wall of the showers, the new one . . . The less homo erotic one, blogging. I took a long vacation, a vacation that involved me shit kicking my computer, it has spy wear up the ying, but even more up the yang. But I worked around the bitch and now I'm back, back to talk about what's wrong with the world, your mom, . . . . And . . . . Santa . . . Yah Santa that fat bastards. When you think about it, he isn't that nice, he works once a year and makes the elves do all the real work . . . Imfact what do they get paid? Are they slaves? I know the magic 8-ball will tell us, let me just give it a shake . . . Ok now something is showing up . . . Ok it says . . . "Not Sure, try Again Later". Ok lets do this again . . . Ok it says . . . Hold on I got to shake it a bit there is a bubble in the way . . . It says "All signs Point To YES". I knew it, that fat bastards is a slave owner, that's why he lives away from civilization so that he doesn't have to give up his possetions. You can't be tried for slavery if your not an official country. He probably use to be a slave owner in America, then after slavery was abolished he was like "Fuck this I'm outta here" So he left and took the 2 of the smallest black slaves he could find one male one female, and shoved them in a sack. Wait one second, a sack, could that be the same sack he careys presents in . . . Now we are hot on the trail people!

So then he takes a his wagon, his wife, and his sack of slaves as far north as he can . . . You know north to freedom, wait Mexicans say the same thing . . . But their not allowed . . . But any ways I got a little off topic sorry. OK so Santa or Christopher Wifekicker Nicholas hit a cold climate and his horses died. So he then pulled out his laser sword, and spent the night in the horses with Mrs. Nicholas, and the slaves, The next day he seen some reindeer, and he thought to himself, "They are living in such a cold climate, I must enslave them" so he did. They then pulled him so far north that the reached a pole, a giant pole so far north . . . The north pole. So he built a house and barn out of all the The lumber that is in the Arctic, and there his maggot slaves did his bidding. He spent many years there but he lived a lot longer because it takes like 8 days for the sun to set and 8 days for the sun to rise so a 1 day is and average of 16 days for us. So many years pass, then the I.R.S. find his house (Those guys can find anything), so the IRS told him that he got to pay back the government "100 million dollars" and then he put his pinky finger to his lips. So Christopher worked out an agreement that he would pay everyone back by giving toys to the kids of the world. So they all agreed, so Christ got his slaves to build the toys. But by this time there was a lot more maggot slaves, there wasn't much more for them to do but bread, and do to the cold there skin pigment changed and they became white, so now there called Elves.

So now every year he always drops these slave worked toys at everyone's house. But when you think about it that's why everyone is so hateful in those Christmas specials. Do to all the hatred that Santa spews, it affects the rest of the village. That's why everyone hated Rudolph for his nose, and that gay elf for wanting to be a dentise. But then all of a sudden wait Rudolph your nose is good for seeing things, well then you can be on my sled then, and when the gay elf could give root canals they wanted an appointment. What a crewel world that is, wow and I uncovered the truth all on my own . . . I'm the best. Wait till the next one when I talk about the horrors of the tooth fairy and Easter bunny. But one of these days I'm going to PUNCH U IN THE FACE!

See Ya?